STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 11.08.23

By RBN November 8, 2023 15:06

Host Mark Anderson critiques an Illinois farm family’s decision to block a CO2 pipeline from going through their land and questions fundamentally—beyond the obvious property rights the farmer has to decline to allow the pipeline through his productive land—the reason that C02, a crucial gas of life on earth, is being captured at Ethanol plants and piped long distances only to be buried under ground as if it’s toxic waste, which it more assuredly is NOT. Additionally, Mark, along with Ron Avery, discusses the very idea that life and death issues should even be decided at the ballot box in the first place, as was Ohio’s deceptively named reproductive “rights” amendment to that state’s constitution on Nov. 7th (the measure was approved, dooming countless thousands of children to certain death in that state). Tune in for more details and share the link.

By RBN November 8, 2023 15:06
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