STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 09.12.22

By RBN September 12, 2022 15:00

MARK ANDERSON RETURNS, SOLO TODAY, COVERING ‘COMMANDER-IN-THIEF’ JOE BIDEN’S COVID CENSORSHIP VIA SOCIAL MEDIA, MORE ON FATHER COUGHLIN’S LEGACY, KEY TAKE-AWAY POINTS OF THE JACKSON HOLE BANKERS’ MEETING, EXPOSING AND CORRECTING COMPROMISED ELECTIONS & THE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH OF THE OVERTURNING OF ROE v. WADE: On these and many other topics, Mr. Anderson has a collection of free articles to share with listeners. Get your copies (and advice on printing them) and, if you’re so inclined, distribute copies of them in your hometown diner; to key neighbors, friends and co-workers; at local convenience stores and small grocery stores; at any hotels, libraries and auto-repair waiting rooms that may have some freely used shelf, table or counter space, at special events etc. etc. Free free to contact Mr. Anderson about these and other matters thru the RBN station or via email, Thanks for tuning in and don’t forget to support RBN.

By RBN September 12, 2022 15:00
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