STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 07.26.23

By RBN July 26, 2023 15:01

Ron Avery filled in for Mark Anderson today and talked about the 1800 colonias in Texas with their main concentration on the border with Mexico but also scattered out all over Texas, one with over 50,000 acres of land scrapped barren and 1/2 acre lots for sale. See the video:
These colonias are well known to the State of Texas and the Federal Reserve Bank see the slide show Ron read from on the website at:
Also see this website for verification of the above at:
See this website for the Texas Colonia Prevention program:
You can’t prevent colonias with open borders! Lots in a colonia are generally bought through a “contract for deed” meaning the seller leases his land to the buyer until the lot is paid off at which time the buyer gets the deed. This is where all the illegal aliens are going and these colonias are all over Texas and the US border states with Mexico. This is the destruction of America rather than helping illegal aliens and other nations. If the global bankers were a moral lawful cartel they would find ways to bring up 3rd world nations rather than implementing ways to bring the United States into the 3rd world. This whole open border policy is a global criminal endeavor to prevent the citizens of the United States from restoring or obtaining lawful government.

By RBN July 26, 2023 15:01
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