STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 06.14.23

By RBN June 14, 2023 15:00

Ron Avery filled in for Mark Anderson today and talked about the necessity of returning to sound political science to avoid all the tyrannical government by medicine and engineering, emergencies, pandemics, shootings and events. Ron read from his own website for proof at:
And since it’s Pride Month, Ron also proved why the observation of LGBTQ+ being unnatural and evil, and the declaration of same, is not hatred, but rather the warning that lust and worship of the created rather than the creator is nothing to be paraded in the streets and boasted. He quoted Romans 1:19-32 as proof which also includes heterosexual lust. Pat called and reminded Ron that Christians are to hate the sin but not the sinner as we have all fallen short of the glory of God.

By RBN June 14, 2023 15:00
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1 Comment

  1. CoolMalt June 14, 16:52

    If a person sins, they deserve to be hated. Forget about mercy.

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