Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 11.29.22

By RBN November 29, 2022 14:58

Ron talked about the Congressional Hearing of Chief Executive Officers of some Gun Manufacturers that was held on July 27, 2022. He had watched a rebroadcast of it on CSPAN the night before. He was amazed at the ignorance of the US House, especially Democrat Jamin Ben Raskin Maryland’s 8th District. The arguments Raskin made were strawman arguments that no one had advanced and which have never been heard by anyone to Ron’s knowledge. No one has argued that the 2nd Amendment recognizes a right of insurrection. It is the right to defend or to militia, yes militia is a verb which means to defend ( ) not to offend or overthrow. Then others were upset that the guns being made were effective at killing people. The gun manufacturers would be liable if their gun would not kill people when necessary. They are made to kill people. The people must know when they have a right to kill people and when they don’t. Advertising that a gun is effective at killing animals and people is not evil, as that is the purpose of the gun. An ignorant people are dangerous with or without guns. Watch the hearing at

By RBN November 29, 2022 14:58
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1 Comment

  1. Kendra Blewitt November 30, 06:41

    In my opinion the Second Amendment exists as a deterrent to tyranny.

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