Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 11.17.22

By RBN November 17, 2022 15:00

17/Nov/22: Ron talked about the unlawful border policies of Abbott and Biden. One of the major proofs of dissolved government is laws that remain unenforced. Illegal aliens should not be bussed deep into the nation by Abbott nor should they be allowed to enter the U.S. without proving political persecution in their homeland, of which very few can prove. Biden’s open door policy is unlawful and he should be prosecuted for the same. All steps by Governor Abbott to close the border are lawful and he should get to it. 2.3 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. in 2022 and that is a city a little larger than Houston. And people wonder why their adult children are living at home? We do not have a climate crisis or a race and hatred problem. We have a global tyranny problem where a handful of the super wealthy are exercising power without authority over the nations and pushing them around. It is time that people in every land create lawful government from within and freeze the assets of the super wealthy and shut down their banking and mass media cartels operating throughout the world. Authority comes from people not wealth or guns or lies. Please support RBN’s book drive and Ron’s livestream and archive of False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2022 at and see his website where he will be working on creating lawful constitutions for the now dissolved “state of Texas” and “United States of America”

By RBN November 17, 2022 15:00
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