Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 11.09.23

By RBN November 9, 2023 14:59

Ron showed why the evangelical church has misnamed itself because they are not spreading the gospel (good news) about the Kingdom of God on earth but rather the same old bad news that the wall between Jews and Gentiles is still there negating the work of Christ Jesus. They also believe the Jews have not received the promises of God yet and that the Kingdom of God does not come until after the second coming of Christ Jesus. Therefore, we should call the evangelical church the heretical church. Then Ron mentioned a correct understanding of the “evangelical church,” saying it is more like David Barton’s “Wall Builders” rebuilding the wall that Christ destroyed by his death, resurrection, and ascension.
Then Ron talked about the Constitutional Right Pac which is no more a group of constitutionally preceptive people than the Evangelical Church is theologically perceptive. He showed how their article about the censoring of Rashida Tlaib for making anti-Israel comments was a violation of her constitutional rights. Was she not exercising her first amendment right of free speech in a public debate? The entire house should be censored by the American people!
Then Ron talked about the US war on Syria. He said if you want to avoid war don’t stand around in someone else’s kitchen and get upset when you get slapped.
Here is a link to the video about Gaza and Israel’s wall around it and the world.

By RBN November 9, 2023 14:59
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1 Comment

  1. bob88 November 9, 18:02

    I wouldn’t bother defending Talib or Michigan types. She’s perfectly willing to smear conservative and Christian types, for a profit with the democrats and jews who own michigan. She has never displayed an interest in an open mind or fair game. So if she wants to do that, AND try to defend Palestine from the jew that she’s working for, I wont get in the way of that. But she can ask white liberals to defend her. Where’s “the Squad” now?

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