Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 11.01.22

By RBN November 1, 2022 14:59

Ron reviewed the Biblical story of Gideon and how he defeated the innumerable aliens in their land who were destroying it and preventing the Israelites from using their land for sustenance. He read the beginning of the story from Judges 6:1-21 and then he paraphrased the ultimate result of how Gideon was instructed to reduce his army from 32000 in two phases to 300 so that God could defeat the aliens and Gideon nor the Israelites could claim they had done this by their own hand and be arrogant about it. Don and Mike called in with additional comments. Ron wrapped up the show by saying that we should not fear other gods or the power of man’s corporations but we should fear our own Father in heaven for not proclaiming the Kingship of Christ Jesus over the entire cosmos and all therein. We also should not let our churches become nothing more than houses of prayer for physical illness and job security but for the pursuit and maintenance of life, liberty and possessions of each individual against the wicked antichrist doctrines of the fake “New World Order.” Ron rejected the notion that the Bible is a mystery that is only solved by knowing how it was translated and how to alter it. Ron perceives that the Bible as sufficient and complete to achieve an object, arrive at a destination, and describe a reality that we can enter and experience forever which is more real and powerful than anything else in the cosmos. We should not worry because we do not have the backing of the multitudes or the wealth of corporations because we have all things through Christ Jesus the King.

By RBN November 1, 2022 14:59
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