Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 10.28.21

By RBN October 28, 2021 15:00

Ron had four callers including Mark Anderson, who called in at the beginning of the show. Mark was reporting from Illinois on his way back to Texas from Michigan. He said he heard great comments from three doctors on a Christian Radio station FM 88. something. He remembered the names of two; Dr. Granger and Dr. Howard both talking about stopping the “Covid vaccine” mandates and the New World Order. Mark also talked about a report he is writing on Biden’s abrogation of duty to protect the border and his exercise of authority he does not have to get involved with climate matters with other globalists (tyranny). Who authorized anyone under the state and federal constitutions to regulate the weather or temperature of the planet? This all tied into what Ron was going to present regarding the problem of dissolved tyrannical government and the solution and showing how those who are ruling the world do not have authority to do so. Bill called with what he thought was a viable solution with “jural assemblies” organized by Anna Von Ritz to get back to our original constitutions. And Melissa called concerning big box stores and their membership and surveillance policies. Then Pat called with her concern that folks should write letters to their representatives we have and not try to obtain new governments.

By RBN October 28, 2021 15:00

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