Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 10.13.22

By RBN October 13, 2022 14:59

Ron talked about the wrap up of all the Sandy Hook Defamation trials yesterday finding Alex Jones liable for slightly under 1 billion dollars in compensatory damages in Connecticut and the denial of Dr. Fetzer’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari and Application For Stay in the Supreme Court of the United States. Dr. Fetzer gave SCOTUS the opportunity to make the US 7th Amendment right to trial by jury applicable to state citizens in state courts as dual state and US citizens under the 14th Amendment. He also gave SCOTUS the opportunity to create a uniform summary judgment procedure throughout the Union that would protect the same 7th Amendment right. With those opportunities came the necessity to reverse the unsound summary judgment against Dr. Fetzer in Wisconsin finding him guilty of defaming a Leonard Posner, father of alleged victim of alleged mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012. The result of all Sandy Hook defamation and liability lawsuits resulted in dubious victories in all cases including: Soto v. Bushmasher ($73 million plus bankruptcy), Hesling v. Jones ($50 million). Pozner v. Fetzer ($1.2 million plus the direct taking of copyrights on 4 versions of a book entitled “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control” and 4 domain names). It appears that all the Plaintiff’s had to do was say their child was killed at Sandy Hook and that established the truth of all that they would plead about it and the aftermath. No evidence proving Sandy Hook happened was heard by any jury in all these cases. This is an intolerable condition we have come to as a nation. These disarmament terrorists are on schedule to reduce America to a defenseless slave state of the global bankarchy. Ron was joined by Mark Anderson showing that this global bankarchy is foreign to every nation in the world and answerable to none and should be brought under the principles of property common to mankind. Mer from Wisconsin also called and verified our observations. See Dr. Fetzer’s SCOTUS documents at and scroll to the bottom of the left hand menu.

By RBN October 13, 2022 14:59
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