Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 05.24.22

By RBN May 24, 2022 14:59

Ron talked about state rent or “property taxes,” a form of civil tyranny. He explained why he did not like the substitution approach advocated by many to get out from under “property taxation.” That approach does not declare them to be what they are: CIVIL TYRANNY and unlawful STATE RENT! Substitution of the means to raise the same amount of booty or plunder from another form of revenue does not treat the problem for what it is. We don’t stop highway robbery by substitution of the same amount of revenue, so why stop state alienation of our property by substitution? He also pointed out that a state that does not know it is unlawful to confiscate our property and charge us rent to occupy and use our property is also ignorant of a lot of other tyranny it does such as much of the curriculum in public school. No need to match the amount of plunder when much of that plunder goes to pay for other state tyrannical projects.
Mark Anderson called in and said he would talk about the WHO claiming more power tomorrow on his show. Lark from Texas called in and said that property is what it is all about. If we don’t own property we don’t own anything and we are slaves. Lark said we should listen to Michael Gaddy at who speaks of these same things. Ron mentioned that Dr. James Fetzer got his Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed at the Supreme Court of the United States and was awaiting a response by the Respondent by June 21, 2022. Ron also said Fetzer did a great 2 hour radio show on that at The Raw Deal at You can also see his filings at the Supreme Court at:
Don from Arizona called in and said he really liked Dr. Fetzer and had donated to his legal defense and that he would check out the links. Sherry from Kansas said that the U.S. has not yet voted on the WHO stuff and wanted Mark to know that. Great lively show including the music of Elton John!

By RBN May 24, 2022 14:59

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