Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 05.18.23

By RBN May 18, 2023 14:59

Ron praised the House and Senate of Texas for passing Bill 2127 to prevent Texas cities and counties from passing laws and/or ordinances that exceed the authority of the state. It’s a shame that a law like this was needed revealing that those in local offices do not know where their authority comes from or the limits of it. Thank you Gov. Abbott in advance for signing it. Ron then talked about Texas leading the nation in what the mass media cartel terms “white supremacy” and “extremist propaganda” according to the so-called experts, the ADL. How dare you Texans protest against Drag Shows for little children! How dare you Texans call the sacking of the state and nation by illegal aliens an “invasion.” Pat from Ft Worth called and informed Ron that the Texas Legislature is also passing a bill that will prevent surgical sex changes and hormone treatments to children. Ron said the state should give prison sentences to those that engage is such things. He further said that the state should provide separate bathrooms for the sexual mutants they have already allowed. Ron also directed attention to the map at RBN showing where aliens are being concentrated revealing the bulk of them in Texas
( ). He said all states have a right to determine the maximum number of aliens that can come into their state every year including declaring a moratorium for a number of years to catch up on assimilation of the open border era. He also called out the church for joining with the lying antichrist working to destroy nations including the U.S.

By RBN May 18, 2023 14:59
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