Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 03.31.22

By RBN March 31, 2022 15:08

Ron touched on some of the news postings at RBN including “athletes dropping like flies” and “small planes dropping like athletes.” But he dwelled on this posting: “Poison Warning Issued on Home COVID Test Kits after More than 200 People Poisoned.” Then he introduced the idea of beginning to draft a new Texas Constitution and discussing its terms on his show similar to what the Forefathers did prior to ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Dr. Kelly from California called and thanked him for his work and for running for office in the past. She said she would call back when she had more information about a trial in Texas that sounded interesting. Then Laura from Michigan called and said she watched Glenn Beck this morning and he said we should use Letters of Marque against Russia. We talked about that briefly and concluded that would initiate the state of war between the U.S. and Russia, a Stupid idea! Then Ed from Iowa called and said again that constitutions cannot be dissolved but are eternal. Ron disagreed. Ed said he has the answer for lawful government in America and if anyone wants to know what it is, they can call him at the number he left on the air.

By RBN March 31, 2022 15:08

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