Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 02.28.23

By RBN February 28, 2023 14:59

Ron was joined by Mark Anderson on the topic of the World Health Organization New Pandemic Treaty. Ron read the bullet points of four documents from the post at RBN derived from James Roguski Mark said he had interviewed James and reported on his work on Mark’s show at UK Column yesterday Ron reminded listeners of why the pandemic mandates were tyrannical in every nation on earth shown on his website at Pat from Texas called and said Ron Johnson was sponsoring a Senate bill that would require any WHO agreement to be approved by the Senate. Mark also told Ron on break that Idaho was outlawing all mRNA technology in their state and those that would give those shots would go to jail; and that Georgia is outlawing all mandates that would accompany a pandemic emergency. Once again none of these tyrannical measures could be implemented without the mass media cartel. Ron wrapped up the show by saying that being a member of the United Nations dissolves the United States as the UN is a government not a treaty and the WHO is a UN growth. The good news is that all nations need to start creating lawful government in their own land along with the people of the dissolved US and states thereof.
RE: WHO Zero Draft:
RE: WHO Constitution:

By RBN February 28, 2023 14:59
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