Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 02.15.22

By RBN February 15, 2022 14:59

Ron announced that he had completed his analysis of the Jural Assembly Handbook by Anna Von Reitz and that he would be making his presentation of it on Saturday 2/15/2022 at 10:00 AM Central to You can also see a presentation by Anna on the same website by following the link at the bottom of the opening marquee page. Ron will be happy to address questions about these presentations next week. Then Ron talked about the tyrant, Justine Trudeau, and his emergencies on top of emergencies, all created by unlawful dissolved overthrown governments. The only real emergency is unlawful dissolved tyrannical governments trying to coerce the people into worse forms of tyranny under their New Reset. But it is indeed time for a new reset and that is to create lawful government in the Kingdom of God or Heaven on Earth that tyrants do not own and have no rights over based on their concentration of the world’s wealth. Continued obedience of the people under a dissolved constitution is the work and desire of Satan. While the creation of new lawful government under the residual will of the people under their dissolved constitutions to protect those making lawful government and exclude from the process those that would institute provisions that would harm the life, liberty and possessions of the people. Ron had lively conversations with Pat, and Laura. One suggested that we look at and

By RBN February 15, 2022 14:59

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