Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 02.03.22

By RBN February 3, 2022 14:59

Ron reviewed several articles posted at RBN, beginning with, “Sweden drops all restrictions against Covid-19,” along with Denmark, Norway and Finland. Next was “The Ruling Elites and the Governments They Control Have Shown Conclusively that They Are Against Us, the People,” where Paul Craig Roberts shows that the Covid-19 pandemic is a lie and the “vaccines” are dangerous and ineffective and these facts are covered up and people who discover the truth are criminalized. This is intolerable and needs to be stopped. Ron barely got into his last selection; “People Will Only Take So Much…Witness The Limit!!!” This is a good article about how what has been looking bad is looking better as people may be reaching their peek of tolerance of Covid-19 tyranny.
Mike, Patrick, Darren and Pat called and added great comments about future predictions about tyranny caused food and product shortages, high technology taken from us and put in the cloud and unified global tyranny and its war on their respective populations.

By RBN February 3, 2022 14:59

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