Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9, August 5, 2023

By RBN August 5, 2023 19:10

Saturday Snack Shack (SSS) Episode 036 – Noticing Patterns With Mr. Giuseppe”

By RBN August 5, 2023 19:10
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  1. Edward August 6, 04:04

    Carlos Slim, Mexican mentioned by caller Laura. Carlos Slim’s name is really Carolos Salim (jew) and he does not have an altruistic bone in his body. Let’s get this straight.

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  2. Rita August 6, 07:27

    Edward gets it as did the male caller. In what alternative universe do “good doers” have a movie, presented in movie theaters, paid for by jews, and it’s “creators” seen on FOX news Alex Jonestein and Joe Rogain???? If the woman caller is that daft that she can’t work it out, it may be too late for her and she needs to jump into the volcano. These people buy into every kosher production that rolls out. “Oh this movie is under attack@ just like tRUMP” need 2 sides at least to give the illusion of good VS evil. So by all mean dumb as rocks people go to see this bullshit movie and maybe your money will be used to traffic more kids! As far as facts; you can find anything on the net to justify your beliefs and perspective SO here is part 1 in these clowns

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