Road Warrior Radio with Chris Hinkley, February 9, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN February 9, 2024 12:05
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  1. Dave February 11, 18:12

    Subsequently, Pastor Wallace conveyed the following:

    Your guy, is vested in proving America was not founded as a Christian nation

    If the people who are called by God’s name can’t acknowledge that God founded this country through Bible believing Christians, we are the equivalent of those who made golden calves and said, “These are the gods who brought you out of Egypt!”
    For that sin, America is being over run by enemies as God described in Judges 6:1-2.

    The Ten Commandments enumerate our natural rights.

    See from: Liberty Christian Fellowship:

    I know he needs to be shocked out of his misconceptions, based on Jesuit lies that Deist Catholics wrote America’s Founding Documents.
    Ask him to research Samuel Adams’ “American Independence Speech” which says,

    “Our forefathers threw off the yoke of popery in religion: for you is reserved the honor of levelling the popery of politics. They opened the Bible to all, and maintained the capacity of every man to judge for himself in religion. …This day, I trust the reign of political protestantism will commence.”

    George Washington opposed free masonry (
    All Freemasonry should be disbanded in America because our organization has been infiltrated by the Illuminati and they have bad intention for America and the World.
    • Also we should note that the painting of George Washington in full Mason Regalia was painted in 1921 in abstentia, since GW died in 1798/1799.

    The history of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is that God overthrows the nations whose government leaders commit the sin of idol worship. Because God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8), He still requires us to do our 4 parts of 2 Chronicles 7:14, which says If my people, who are called by my name will do 4 things:
    1. Humble themselves — meaning see ourselves as sinners needing to be saved by grace
    2. Pray — meaning according to the pattern of the Prayer, Jesus Taught Us To Pray in Matt. 6: 9-13.
    3. Seek God’s Face — not Mary’s, a saints, nor Michael or any other angel.
    4. Turn from Our Wicked Ways, the chief of which in God’s eyes are violations of Ten Commandments 1 & 2, that commit the sin of ascribing the characteristics of God and praying to anything that is not a member of the Trinity Godhead.
    If we do these 4 things, God does His 3 which includes 1) hearing from heaven, 2) forgiving our sins, and 3) healing our land.

    Now, my (Dave) comments are as follows:

    My intention was to have a positive cooperative discussion between Earl and Chris, but it was rough.

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