Rebel Mad Man Radio w/ Mike Gaddy June 3, 2023 Hour 2

By RBN June 3, 2023 17:04
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  1. Outside looking in June 4, 13:14

    Hello Mike Gaddy Sir.
    I Love your show and look forward to it each week.
    I had read awhile back in an old history book of mine relating about Ft. Jefferson prison at the end of the Florida keys, which started its existence as a Dutch East India company lighthouse and ended up being converted to a prison during the so called “American civil war”, all enemies of the yankee state were housed there in that malarial infested hell hole, where the author of the book I was reading claimed that the Dr. Mudd who treated John Wilkes booth was imprisoned.

    It would take me some time to find the book I mentioned or I would cite the author and title for you.

    God Bless and good health to you Sir.

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