Off The Beaten Path with Steve Elkins, September 11, 2022 Hour 2

By RBN September 11, 2022 22:12

May we never forget those who DIED, and the government that LIED. PNAC, (Project for a New American Century). The Russian/Ukraine War. Q: Why is it taking so long for a Super Power to win this war? Joe Biden’s Bootlicking of the British Royal family with U.S. Flags to be flown at Half Staff on the Queen’s Interment day…. Disrespecting the honor which is for U.S. dignitaries that have sacrificed for the United States.

By RBN September 11, 2022 22:12
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  1. Listener V September 12, 01:20

    A couple theories for Steve on why Putin’s advance has been slow and cautious:

    * Russia doesn’t have a massive population. And Ukrainians are Slavic – basically ethnic Russians. Putin has already extended an offer of citizenship to Ukrainians. If he is especially humanitarian in the way he conducts this special military operation (and from video on the ground it does appear that has been the case) he is likely to win their trust in greater numbers, and he could dramatically increase his population base and power. This would also win him more allegiance among his existing Russian people.

    * Ukraine won’t be the end of Zionist hatred for Russia, and Putin is aware of that. He doesn’t want to show all of his cards. After decades of compromising the US, Russia developed better tech to counter the US tech. Putin doesn’t want to use his latest weapons, so that his enemy can reverse engineer it.

    I am not a fanboy of any politician, but in the case of Putin, he is on track to become a legendary Russian leader. He could get The Great added to the end of his name. And he could secure Russian prosperity for a long time.

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