National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 5.22.24

By RBN May 22, 2024 13:06

Patrick and Jeremy show Part 2: The exaggerated, embellished, and decontextualized Holocaust narratives increases Jewish paranoia and leads them to commit atrocities. Then a special guest appearance from Dr. David Duke.

By RBN May 22, 2024 13:06
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  1. bob88 May 22, 15:12

    Do you know who’s always paranoid Pattry?

    Do you know why?
    Becasue they know what they’re guilty of.

    Dont you think that jew puts a LOT of effort,
    into denying everything about itself.
    Wont tell you who runs the media,
    wont even tell you that its somebody else.

    For somebody who doesn’t have anything to fear getting caught for what they’ve been actually doing.

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  2. 1776blues May 22, 18:35

    Wait, Patrick doesn’t know who Fred Leuchter is. Gas chamber expert!

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  3. Jack Brody May 23, 04:11

    “Holocaust narratives”

    Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; November 1989):

    ” … we are told [in the Talmud] that when the wicked Romans took Bethar, they wantonly slew 400,000 x 10,000 (= four billion) sweet Sheenies. That figure could have been excogitated only by a kind of insanity that seems innate in the race…. The same passage gives a variant, also duly reported by Professor Butz: the horrid Romans killed only forty million (4000 x 10,000) of Yahweh’s darlings in little Bethar.

    “The lower figure, 40,000,000, is significant, for with it we come to the recent Holohoax. When the Yids concocted it as a device to paralyse the minds of gullible Aryans with fictitious guilt, they first thought of 40,000,000 as a good figure, but, having some qualms that the credulity of Aryans might not be quite infinite, they reduced it to 25,000,000, as in the famous ‘confessions’ extorted from Gerstein and then prudently decreased it to 12,000,000, before finally settling on 6,000,000 as the largest figure the boobs would accept without question. This figure is again habitual in Jewish bunkum. In the early years of this century Americans were assured that six million sweet Sheenies were suffering persecution in Russia (where the Czarist government was unable to restrain peasants from occasionally turning on their parasites).”

    Revilo P. Oliver; “Having It Both Ways” (Liberty Bell; April 1985):

    “The National Assembly elected a woman named Elizabeth Kopp to be one of seven members of the Federal Council…. [A] Jewish publication was proclaiming hosannas at their race’s glorious victory…. The underlying idea was that with one Jew on the Council, the predatory race would soon get control of it and could start putting the White population of Switzerland in its place.”

    “[H]e was prosecuted … for ‘denying’ the gas chambers and the six million figure…. [A] Swiss court sentenced him to 15 months imprisonment…. Rather than serve the sentence, … [Juergen] Graf went into exile. In 2001 he married a Russian historian in Moscow.”

    Jim Taylor; “The Murder of Eichmann” (Liberty Bell; August 1988; p. 26):

    “I informed him that the Israelis were hot on his trail and that they had made him number one on their most wanted list….

    “Right off, he made it quite clear that he would have no part of going to Chile for his own safety. He also made it a point to tell me that justice was on his side, because he had committed no crimes and had killed no Jews; but, on the other hand, had helped many of them to re-settle in Palestine….

    “I turned and asked him one more question, ‘If the Israelis do grab you, what will you do? How will you react?’

    “‘I will offer no resistance. I will cooperate fully. I will go along peacefully because I don’t believe I will be harmed.’

    “‘Then you’re a dead man.‘”

    Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; Nov. 1990; “A Cringing Lord”):

    “As one small example out of thousands, he shared national guilt because a Sheeny in British uniform had subjected Richard Hoess to fiendish tortures for three whole days to extort from a broken and dehumanized mass of quivering flesh a lying ‘confession’ that could be used in putting over the mondial swindle called ‘the Holocaust.’ The Sheeny, to be sure, was merely obeying the sadistic instincts of his race and the venomous hatred of all other races that is the secret of his race’s amazing power and bloody triumphs, but he was able to do that only because the British permitted, encouraged, and supported a sadism that undegenerate Aryans instinctively regard with repulsion as savagery. Now multiply that example by a few thousand specific instances of comparable guilt. …”

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