National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 3.29.24

By RBN March 29, 2024 13:21
By RBN March 29, 2024 13:21
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  1. Edward March 29, 13:41

    Fine Korean music to go along with great dialogue.

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    • Cee March 29, 17:43

      I do not like that music at all. If we are speaking Boomer vision, which being just post boomer, as I call myself, it is not really much to do with topics of Americana that used to be. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, and by the time I was 18 I was cut loose in the neighborhood. Typical 1950s boomer baby boom city blocks. Ranch house 1100-1200 sq feet max. Always finished basements. Mine was great as my dad was great. 1st Marine, Korean war vet born in 1931. That music may have reminded him of his Korea years, but the topics Patrick are speaking of remind me of MY years up coming. My mom started leaving me alone for full weekends at aged 12. I had an older brother, he had the house full of his friends on those weekends, many older. Very tall and handsome men. The height of the average male has decreased. Remember when the euro-American men were tall and hot? At least 6 foot minimum? Even my mom was 5’10 1/2! I am going back to maybe 1974. All on the basketball team. So I cleaned up after them. Boomer music for this topic “Space Trucking” perhaps, by Deep Purple. Andrew Anglin loves this: “Something’s Happening” (how could you not love that?) “Do you feel like I do?” (another Frampton) Stone’s “It’s only Rock and Roll” from maybe 1973ish… Something like that… maybe some Steppenwolf. How does 1940s or 1950s music even come into play with this topic? Maybe you are older than me. I guess you are.

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      • Cee March 29, 17:50

        I meant to say when I was about 12 1/2 I was cut loose but when I turned 18 that was it. It was expected of me to get out of the house, get and apt. and get a job to pay for it. And that was it.

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  2. Cee March 29, 18:21

    Yes, the white boomer “greasers” mainly were committing crimes, burglary, etc. Where I lived. But I was in my teens in the 1970s and early 80s.
    Biden and the IVF stuff has simply copied Trump, as he has already made this part of his platform. I think they want the govt. to pay for it, rather than the couple’s paying for it out of pocket. Lara Logan’s take on the ship crashing is not what I will be listening to. I think it was the fault of the employees operating the ship. And I think it is DEI problem.
    Trump on IVF of course, this will upset the Catholic Church (maybe?)
    Many women in their early 20s began having abortions in the mid 80s. I know many. If they were younger, they were sent off to a convent and the baby was adopted (for at least 2 girls I knew) and the older ones I worked with were doing this quietly and then would tell me afterward. It did seem to change these women, emotionally. Of course, the relationship with the man who got them pregnant never lasted, if he even knew. There is your white population drop right there. Black crime in the mid to late 80s and early 90s really increased big time in Milwaukee, especially with the murder rate. I am enjoying your shows on this.

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  3. bob88 April 2, 20:48

    “…non-jewish Whites…”

    This horrifying made up word of yours just punches me in the nose.

    Why dont you just call the White race the N word for saying something that.

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