National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 2.20.24

By RBN February 20, 2024 13:31

Kato joins the show for a look at new developments, such as the Putin interview. Also, how much do Asian elites understand Jewish power. Plus, the Communist Party of China is communist in name only just like the Democratic Party is Democratic in name only.

By RBN February 20, 2024 13:31
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  1. Cee February 20, 19:10

    Here is a documentary I saw in early 2020
    I have since changed my opinion, because I bought this hook, line and sinker… Can you guys at some point address this..

    Also, back in 2017 I lived for one year in a high rise apt. on Lake Michigan (moved out early 2018) and it was near an area that used to be hippie sort of laid back “boomer” as you say, and then the millennials came in and destroyed it..
    We had many Chinese people living there. They were very rich and young, hung out, partied and from what I remember I never heard them speak English. They are also very attractive. Any comments on groups like that from Kato?

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