National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 1.24.24

By RBN January 24, 2024 13:01

Part 2 of the Patrick and Jeremy Show: New Hampshire Primary; it’s not the economy, stupid; mass deportations; the Constitution; Vermin Supreme, Elon Musk humiliation ritual; HW Bush vs. Putin, and whatnot.

By RBN January 24, 2024 13:01
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  1. bob88 January 24, 16:51

    The immigrants are not the actual problem, thats a misdirection. Thats jews and liberals pushing trany stuff on kids, not MS13. Deporting all the immigrants wont fix that. It will keep you busy instead of fixing it. Replace us from what? From joining the military and fighting wars for the jew? We already dont have a country. On the contrary, its arguable that just passing them through into New York and Ohio, and every jew territory, will actually help us. Will help us tear those places down. If we can resist trying to save your own abuser.

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  2. bob88 January 24, 16:56

    Although the opening the gates trick, IS a real thing, I’ll prove that ragging about the immigrants is a jewish agenda, …you will never get kicked off of facebook or youtube for ragging about immigrants. paul watson can talk isht about immigrants on youtube all day.

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  3. bob88 January 24, 17:53

    “If we got somebody populace in there, to do what we want them to do, the media would destroy them”. The FIRST thing you would have to do, is put control on the media. You would have to punish it and put a brace on it. Or they’ll just instigate riots all day. What did Putin have to do, that changed the game for Russia. Because its actually a jew problem, the immigrants dont run anything. And guess who’s the last orange creep on earth who’s going to do anything to fix a jew problem. He’s nothing but a media invention himself.

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