National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 09.22.23

By RBN September 22, 2023 13:59

Boomervision: Patrick’s dog ate his show from yesterday, but he made up for it with a classic analysis of the Jewish-led destruction of white Americans. Nuland and Blinken are dragging us into war, Mayorkas is orchestrating a Third World invasion of the US, and Garland has implemented a vicious anti-white two-tiered justice system. They’re all Jews, and whites are too timid and polite to mention it.

By RBN September 22, 2023 13:59
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  1. bob88 September 22, 23:08

    Pattery, if this all belongs to YOU, then why are YOU, giving it away to all these invaders? If YOU built all this, then take the blame for what you did with it. Dont tell me that you built it, and it belongs to you, AND you’re the victim of what you built yourself. That would reek like a jew playing victim about its own accomplishments.

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  2. bob88 September 22, 23:36

    Pattery, do you know who is often paranoid? Criminals. Do you know why? …because they’re criminals. Because they’re guilty, and they know it. Thats why they have to just outlaw the question. Its not as complicated as you are trying to intellectualize it. The absolute answer is so simple.

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  3. bob88 September 23, 00:03

    Pattery, stop telling New Yorkers what to do with their own taxes in New York. Stop trying to be the fascist of somebody else, unless you want somebody else to come down to your house and be the fascist of you. Who ELSE should be getting the bill for JEW AGENDAS FROM NEW YORK, then New York? If anybody else is getting a bill for New York, thats a FAILURE OF YOU, not New York. Try being the fascist of yourself FIRST. Stop pointing fingers and lead by example. You sound like South Carolina and the GOP, pointing your fingers at everybody else.

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  4. bob88 September 23, 00:55

    Pattery, I’ve got another complaint. Please stop using those horrible phlegmy booger-snot yiddish words. That encourages the enemy, you feed it, anytime we use our enemy’s language.

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  5. bob88 September 24, 03:20

    Pattery, how can they be responsible for all the evil in the world, but they’re not evil? They dont know that they’re doing it? Or they thing that its actually just a nice thing to do? they DO KNOW ENOUGH, THAT THEY DELIBERATELY TRY TO HIDE THEIR BLAME FOR IT! Thats a terrible justification Pattery.

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  6. Edward September 24, 13:26

    Excellent show as always!!

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