John Stadmiller’s The National Intel Report with Special Hosts, December 13, 2022 Hour 1

By RBN December 13, 2022 17:59

Host: Michael Herzog, of The American Awakening, with guest, Jessica Clowers | I’m Growing Rather Fond of the Wand

Michael and Jessica discuss healing via use of frequencies.

By RBN December 13, 2022 17:59
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  1. Dave December 13, 20:38

    Finally, someone getting RBN in on the profits from these sales. I recommend that people take photos of their skin before using the wand (like hands, face, blemishes) to verify any improvements.
    Now regarding the cautions mentioned by Rense/Erica (12/12 show), and Pierre Kory, these should be investigated. These folks are giving us a lead. Ask them for the details or we should find them ourselves and evaluate conditions which give damaging results.
    Erica mentioned internet accounts of these; let’s see if they provide them per my request.
    It is very surprising to me that Pierre Kory who has provided solutions since early 2020 is defamed herein. Kory is a hero going before congress twice, elucidating the phases of Covid disease and providing effective treatments. NONE of us has done anything like what he did in treatment and extensive research. Why dis this guy’s righteous actions, supporting a cult prife religion ? This is not about creating another cult (like tRump), but about 1. Demonstrating solutions while 2. Avoiding pitfalls. Now the following pitfalls have been identified so far: 1. Overwanding can do temporary harm (see Sayles show Sun night), 2. Mercury filling interactions (Ingri show Sat night), and 3. Use on Cancer (information provided for wand use “Do not use on Cancer”). Well, what about us who may have early stage cancer and not be aware of it ? Perhaps we want more than that 5 word caution!
    Furthermore, it is easy to find at least a few studies investigating THz damage. Here are some:

    So although many positive reports have been produced, long-term studies were not performed on Wand use or the CV-19 jabs. “We” are the experimental subjects.

    The goal is not to demean Rense, Khan or Kory, but to determine the nature of and causes and ways to avoid negative experiences from the use of this device. Rather be responsible men and investigate the cautions. Best of luck !

    I observed that a few of us made hosts aware of Kory’s IVM solution to Covid disease in late 2020 based on his detailed research treating real people. But they never “got it”. IVM (etc.) Was the solution to the pandemic, the shots and resulting damage. How much did virus denial, Covid denial or minimization and the mantra “there is no pandemic” contribute via ignorance to inaction and a very muted response ? Compare to the election results in Brazil. They did something. Be not all talk and no action. If I talk in the tongues of men and angels and have not love, I am as a clanging symbol. If you love, do something real. But do not attack the prophets who come to you with a message of caution.

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