In Plain Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky, November 9, 2023

By RBN November 9, 2023 22:22

The William and Jeremy Show:
We discuss the Israeli-Palestine conflict and take great calls

By RBN November 9, 2023 22:22
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  1. Blewitt November 10, 00:20

    The upside of the brutal cruelty going on in Palestine is that it is giving rise to anti-Jewish sentiment in the United States.

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  2. Blewitt November 10, 00:55

    Regarding the 9-11 event I recommend Christopher Bollyn’s _Solving 9-11_. Thermite was found in the dust, and not normal thermite, but high-tech nano-thermite. (Thermite burns so hot that it melts steel. Nano-thermite can be made paint that can be applied to surfaces, such as the bottoms of floors).

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