Immunize Wizely with Ingri Cassel May 6, 2023 Hour 1

By RBN May 6, 2023 20:05

Hour 1 – Ingri introduced the show and put several links into the chatroom ahead of the show, highlighting the huge issue we are facing with legalizing pedophilia through the UN, the WHO and our government schools and libraries. And what is driving the surge in people from all over the world trying to cross our southern border. See At 7:15 CT Ingri started discussing the main topic for the show – how we have the evidence and the legal authority to halt the inappropriate placement of Wireless Telecommunication Facilities (WTFs) and control the power output of each existing tower. Our first guest was Susan Clarke of Over 30 years ago, Susan Clarke formed the Environmental Health Advocacy League (ENHALE), to expose essential, suppressed truths; alerting people to inhalation neurotoxicity and radiofrequency / microwave radiation bioeffects. In 1994, she effected the founding of a federal interagency workgroup, which resulted the US government’s first recognition of chemical sensitivity. Having produced the first truthful medical conference on the Gulf War Syndrome, she received in 1996 recognition from the American Association of Environmental Medicine; and, while a Research Assistant at the Harvard School of Public Health, stimulated new studies.
Today, she authors legislation such as the Clean Atmosphere Act – to prohibit geoengineering and wireless irradiation – and provides therapies for “covid” injectees and those exposed to shedding.
Training hundreds of communities with incisive legal strategies, she empowers people to defend themselves against nuclear, (trans) biological, chemical, sonic, and electromagnetic weaponry, so as to thrive.

By RBN May 6, 2023 20:05
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  1. Dave May 7, 00:48

    For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36)

    Judgement of words from Immunize Wizely Chatroom:
    I am observing Gang Stalking demeaning of the logical statements of Dave both on this show and in the chat room, where those making such statements are making False and baseless Demeaning statements. Read Their Words for yourself and judge. This is Mass Psychosis and has been described by some and prophesied/predicted by others to grow. It is the working of the demonic in our world today.

    1. False statement by Ingri.
    Sat Apr 29, 10:18:36pm: @anon1904 You were off topic so I beg to disagree. If the virus question was on topic, then that would have been appropriate. It was NOT. We were talking about nano-tech in our bodies – not viruses or jabs.
    Tony clearly stated during this show that there were no biomarkers found for SarsCov2 and that SarsCov2 did not exist. Due to his statements to this effect, one of Tony’s Topics was a virus, SarsCov2.
    Sat Apr 29, 11:20:41pm
    anon1904: Ingri, Tony stated that there were no biomarkers for the SarsCov2 virus and discussed that topic. It was utterly appropriate to actually SHOW that Tony was just blabbing but had no support for his off the cuff statements. This shows how ludicrous some of the ideas posed with no support publicly in these forums are. It engenders confusion and eliminates the intelligent and informed about these topics from the forum. Thus is becomes a more ignorant echo chamber. This is a major effect of the internet on IQs, as noted by Tucker Carlson very recently.

    2. In Mer’s accusation of demeaning by Dave, she in the same post, Demeans Dave:

    Tue May 2, 2:01:04pm
    merbailey: let alone all this demeaning of jenna, our very competent and kind guest host. don’t be surprised if your calls are refused, as well as your being banned in chat. you seem to be exhibiting manic depressive episodes. sometimes you have good information to share, why be so selfish and inconsiderate of others?

    3. Jenna was demeaning Dave and claiming she knows Dave’s motives. Sorry, Jenna is not God.

    ~36.10 Jenna: “Dave, we are not going to go there. I have heard you call in and want to rile up and in a direction that…”
    1. Jenna appears to be stopping the discussion since Tony is losing. Tony can not come up with specific biomarkers when asked multiple times.
    2. Jenna used the words “want to”. That is clearly assigning motive, without knowledge. She is not
    omniscient. Is she not therefore attempting to stand in the place of God, as Lucifer desired to do ? Is not your behavior evil, and you do not see it ?

    4. Tony was clearly demeaning Dave:

    37:12 Tony “The guy does not even know what a virus is. Does not know what a protein is. He doesn’t know what a biomarker is. …. he has no intelligence”

    Do you need any more evidence of Gang Stalking of Dave in the Chatroom ? If so, please listen to the entirety of Dave’s call, and the subsequent discussion between Tony and Jenna. Then listen to Scott try to speak and get interrupted multiple times by Tony, who is not following reasonable rules of discourse.

    1. How does Omnicient Tony Know what Dave does and does not know ? 2. Obviously, Tony’s description of a virus as a protein, earlier, is FAR OUT THERE from the well-established compositional information for viruses ! He thus establishes to the listeners, that Tony probably does not know what he is talking about wrt viruses, biomarkers and strongly brings into question the accuracy of his information on nanoparticles etc. Fruit from a bad tree.

    Conclusion: This show was not to promote discourse or open scientific discussion. Rather, Tony used it to make general statements and conclusions with NO specifics in some cases (as in the case of the existence of SarsCov2 and allegations of no biomarkers found (but he could name no biomarkers, or specific studies to measure them). That is, Tony gave NO REFERENCES. That means he provided NO verifiable evidence. Thus he merely maade unverified statements.

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