Immunize Wizely with Ingri Cassel July 22, 2023 Hour 2

By RBN July 22, 2023 21:06

Hour 2 – continued with guest Makia Freeman and began delving into his latest book, Break Your Chains: Exposing the Grand Conspiracy and Presenting the Way Out. Here is the description for it:
Penetrate the secrecy and lies to learn the shocking truth …
Are you really free? Why is there so much dysfunction in our world? Is there a hidden force behind politics pushing a deeper agenda? Where is humanity headed? And what can you possibly do about it?
With comprehensive dot-connecting, Makia Freeman ties together the numerous threads of the worldwide conspiracy to show how various sinister people and organizations are all working towards the same end – the establishment of a totalitarian, militaristic One World Government (which would be both fascist and Communist, since there is no meaningful difference between the two in terms of freedom for those living under such regimes). The conspirators aiming to create this nightmare scenario call it the New World Order. Learn how seemingly innocent movements are in fact underpinned by malevolent motivations. This book names the names and uncovers the facts, drawing upon declassified documents and whistleblower testimony, to show just how scarily advanced this dark agenda already is.
However, there is time to stop it. Painting the picture of what’s going on is one thing, and focusing on the way out of it is another. This book skillfully covers both the problem and the solution, revealing the way for us to combat this nefarious plot and restore truth, peace and freedom to the world. Get ready to go deep down the rabbit hole, pierce the veil of deception and leave no stone unturned to discover the truth of what is happening on Earth – and to realize what you can do about it. ** At the bottom of the hour we took callers and also had great feedback in the chatroom. Fantastic show!

By RBN July 22, 2023 21:06
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