Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Revisited, May 5, 2024

By RBN May 5, 2024 09:12

The second half of –Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club– “Last Wolf Run To Manassas” (original air date-December 6, 2017)

We examine the two year history surrounding the home invasion murder of Harold  by Eric Ricardo Dickerson  that occurred early Saturday morning November 21, 2015 . . . the weekend before the holiday of Thanksgiving.  From the first thousand mile Wolf Run from North Cackilacki to Woodbridge, Virginia, USA  to take Harold’s sister to identify the body, to the 2nd Wolf Run after the  November 2016 arrest and confession of  Eric Ricardo Dickerson for the murder of Harold, to the Last Wolf Run for the Commonwealth of Virginia District Court Sentencing Hearing on December 01, 2017 in Manassas, Virginia in the aftermath of the August 2017 racial events in Charlottesville, the host discusses his experiences as well as strategies and tactics for this type of “Hell Level” Peacewalking known as “The Wolf Run”.

By RBN May 5, 2024 09:12
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  1. Halfjew May 5, 14:09

    It’s not a mythology, you retarded pagan. The Law of God has never been repealed. Jesus came to spread it around the world through the Anglo-Saxons. So now He can lawfully judge you and condemned you for giving Him the bird for 2000 years. For if you didn’t know the Law you wouldn’t be condemned, but now you will be like every other nonbeliever.

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  2. Halfjew May 5, 14:22

    Another thing, you dumb hater of Yahweh/Jesus and hater of His Law,
    All those murders would be executed and if they were juveniles their parents would also be executed. All white women wild be owned by their white fathers and husbands so there wouldn’t be any mudsharks if you followed the Law like you were told. And sodomites and tranies would stay in the closet or die and wouldn’t be raping your sons. This is why you are being destroyed. Because you hate the Law of God and Yahweh/Jesus. Repent or be put out of your misery ASAP

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    • bob88 May 5, 20:09

      jews cant become Christian.
      Its been tried before, it just doesn’t take.
      You cannot be saved.

      Paul is an isolated very specific example.
      If you get transformed standing LITTERALLY, next to the living embodiment of god, like Bruce Banner next to the nuclear generator,
      I’ll believe that.

      Your blood is a poisoned well.
      One drop of it, poisons anything else that you mixed it with.

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  3. bob88 May 5, 20:15

    Its weird how it just doesn’t take on jews.
    It PROVES that its in the blood.

    Whatever it is that makes a jew,
    that poison.

    You cant retrain a pidgeon, or a cuckoo bird,
    into an eagle. Its genetic memory.

    They are not one of us.
    They are not one of what makes everybody else in the world, Whites, Arabs, Asians, capable of Christianity.

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  4. bob88 May 5, 20:22

    Am I saying that there are LIMITS, to what god can do?

    There are probably limits to what god WILL do.
    god probably does adhere to his own set of rules.
    Could break his own rules if he wanted to, but wouldn’t.

    I’m saying that he could change the jew, into a different substance. A rock, or an ant. But as long as satan is satan, or a jew is a jew, it is what defines it. Its not something else.

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