Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, November 17, 2023

By RBN November 17, 2023 13:17

Richard is joined by a full panel roundtable, including Willem Felderhof, Paul Edward Stevenson and David Scorpio.

By RBN November 17, 2023 13:17
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  1. pete November 18, 01:00

    Good discussion. I appreciate the views of Wilhelm, who points out that ALL religion is made up and meant to control people. Not only zionist christianity, but ALL christianity is false and invented by jews to subvert white people. Christianity is universalist early marxism, and there’s no evidence of jesus having existed in the first place. Also, it may be true that a lot of young white kids are waking up and not buying the mainstream narrative. But it needs to be addressed that whites are RAPIDLY diminishing and will soon be extinct at this rate. Every time someone says our kids are waking up, they also need to mention how our kids are already vastly outnumbered by the other races who want nothing more than to enslave and genocide whites (with or without jewish propaganda, this is what the other races desire). The jews have opened the gates and are not going to stop flooding us, so unfortunately it doesn’t matter how many whites wake up at this point. In fact, I predict that by the end, MOST whites will be awake to how the jews are genociding us. But it will not matter because we’ve already lost. One more thing- all of the people who are for “free palestine” and the other thing with osama bin laden’s book… I can guarantee that is all by design and that’s the way the jews want it. It’s not some kind of “hole” in their strategy or an oversight. Tiktok and all that stuff is completely controlled by the jews and everything is going according to plan for them.

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  2. bob88 November 18, 15:54

    I’m pretty sure that we just have to nuke england and holland. Its gone too far, there’s nothing for those two to change course on by now. This is a worldwide problem going back 300, 400 years, just out of those two.

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