Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, January 5, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN January 5, 2024 20:11

Richard is joined by a full panel roundtable, including fellow RBN hosts Travis, William Repillem, Blackbird9 and David Scorpio.

By RBN January 5, 2024 20:11
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  1. Edward January 6, 08:46

    Alex Kosher Jones is an entertainer. He’s not for real. He’s a tripper.

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  2. bob88 January 7, 08:04

    “Now I’m a stranger in a strange land…” When was the land ACTUALLY yours? Right up until the day that the jew decided to take it from you? If the land was yours, why did you let all the immigrants in? Why did you sell it to the jew? What I’m trying to say is that it WASN’T YOURS, ever since somebody opened up the gates for the jew. Ever since somebody let the Dutch and the british in. They’ve been playing outraged about the open border trick, just in america, since the 1960’s. This didn’t just happen with biden around. So playing victim about it NOW is a misdirection. The only thing we can do is try to establish ONE TERRITORY, that ACTUALLY IS ours. Disconnected from selling out, and begging for handouts, from washington DC and the hebrews. But thats also a tricky thing to do, because of rigged false currency as an economy. The CURRENCY, does not belong to us.

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  3. bob88 January 7, 10:08

    “Theres no such thing s a good jew…” Although thats true enough to call it a factual generalization, Nathaniel isn’t saying it honestly. When the jew, or a jew conspirator, is playing fake-nazi, or fake Christian, they will DELIBERATELY, say something that apparently sounds weird or un-rational, to try and make Nazi’s or White nationalists or Christians sounds weird or un-rational. Thats why all the neo-cons are jews, so they can disguise themselves as conservatives while they scream insane things, that are actually a jews agenda, and pin it on conservatives. He may not even be doing it on purpose, but he’ll do it by INSTINCT, because he’s a jew. He’s not a White or a Christian.

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