Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, February 23, 2023

By RBN February 23, 2023 13:00

Richard is joined by his Thursday co-host Willem Felderhof and additional co-host Paul in CA.

By RBN February 23, 2023 13:00
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  1. Pseudo Intellectual Jew Paul in California February 23, 14:17

    This show was completely devoid of any useful content until the caller at the end mentioned he was watching the January 6 videos.

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  2. spoonful February 23, 20:26

    Great comment by the caller about Vladimir Putin taking out his rival, Col. Alexander Lebed, in the helicopter crash about 20 years ago. It was obvious at the time.

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  3. Janet February 25, 08:18

    Help me help all starts with (((who))) controls the money!!!! The high ups, controllers,”globalists” are jews..the dumb whites, blacks, browns and yellows are either PAID, blackmailed or CRYPTO jews!! Then the other group of mind fucked stupid thru the edJUcation system and the zio-Christian end of the world brain dead. Like the scum Rothchild said I care NOT who makes a nations laws as long as I control their money!!!

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  4. Janet February 25, 09:05

    How about this since America is a “diversity” 3rd world shithole status cesspool..all people who are European, Scandinavian go back where we came from..for each of us who goes back to the country of our forefathers 100 + jew sponsored invaders will be put in our place in America. I would rather they were put in IsRAhell since that ((ethno-state)) really needs some diversity. It also goes without saying ALL ((infections)) in those countries need to go back to IsRAhell immediately. Good God, Jan 6 was a psyop ((Pete Santilli and Real Americas Voice))) ..good job wasting time on a PSYOP distraction!!

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