Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, April 23, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN April 23, 2024 20:02
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  1. bob88 April 23, 21:07

    “…some guy in UK plays victim about stabbing by islamist…”

    If jew and CIA/MI-6 are controlling “ISIS”, which they obviously are, what makes you think they dont have any stabbers on the pay role?

    Thats not an “Islamist” issue, that’s an idiot euro-trash problem.

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  2. bob88 April 23, 23:25

    I figure there IS a bio-weapon.
    We’ve seen people drop dead from something more then the common cold.

    What do you think well poisoners do? Where do you think they got that reputation? Do you think that they have only restricted themselves to illegal nukes? But not their favorite thing to do? That thing so much so that it should be synonymous with their race?

    That the jew also owns the media, both political parties, the healthcare system and a blank check billed to taxes, through mitt romney/obama care, and their other favorite thing to do, is to always lie and never speak the truth, doesn’t conflict with or disprove an actual bio-weapon.

    They simply also have the privilege to lie freely about it for a profit at the same time.

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  3. bob88 April 24, 01:28

    “…utah gun exchange…”

    Be carefull what you tell the mormons.
    They have sewed participating in jewish crime into the fabric of their religion, like the Dutch.

    You are dealing with a sociopath situation with the Dutch or a mormon, when it comes to the jews, because they dont think that they’re doing anything wrong. They wrote it into a religion.

    Its well known that they’re running data collection for the CIA and the jew occupied government, and probably sending it directly to israel. Without even bothering to ask the CIA. They figure it helps them catch a rocket to planet Kolub.

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