Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, April 11, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN April 11, 2024 20:29

Richard discusses a variety of currently relevant news and topics. With calls in the 2nd hour!

By RBN April 11, 2024 20:29
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  1. bob88 April 12, 04:58

    I think Joe is putting too much credit at yahoo’s feet. As if this is all his idea. …what other things does the jew have a reputation for, for 2000 years? How is this all of a sudden some out of character crime around jews, by some sick maniac that they elected themselves. What other reputation has yahoo ever had, when they elected him, even before this. He was a well known murderer when they elected him all these years.

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  2. bob88 April 12, 05:13

    Joe has to realize and accept that the jew plays outraged about their own crimes, even while they commit their own crimes in front of your face, as part of dodging the blame for their crimes. As if it must be somebody else doing it. It turns out there may have been no holocaust death camps AT ALL. Just jews who perpetually refuse to leave in prison camps. Sucking up Hitlers resources….and it was actually jew bolsheviks, who murdered millions of Christians and threw them in mass graves. It was the jew race doing it, around the world wherever you find them, while they pretended to be the victim of it at the same time, and blamed it on “the mad man”.

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  3. bob88 April 12, 05:51

    Its not impossible at all. Do you believe in a god, miracles and galactic things, that are still possible and happen, even if too large to be fully grasped by simple human minds. Well fixing the jew problem is easier to explain then that. Its absolutely displayable on paper to any working class mind. Anybody who cant see it, is simply too far gone, rotted out, and gets thrown out with the problem. Thats nothing but cleaning house.

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  4. Old Demented Fool April 12, 14:22

    These callers are the same morons in zero hedge comments sections who will never do anything but run their mouth and talk about how much money they have or how hard they work.

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