Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, September 7, 2023 Hour 1

By RBN September 7, 2023 16:35

7 September Questions about Obama’s sexuality have been decisively resolved by Tucker’s interview with Larry Sinclair, who had sex with him twice in 1999 and has done all he can (until now) to get the story out to the public. What he has to say not only appears completely credible but has devastating implications for our most famous fraud, where the deaths of several with whom he also had sex suggests that the latest event involving Tafari Campbell may indeed be exactly as I have suggested: a falling out during gay sex during which Obama took Tafari’s life–and then he and Michelle had to figure out what to do with the body. The AZ border wall has been welded OPEN. Jean Pierre has claimed that Biden has secured the border, which is about as absurd as it gets. Mike Adams offers an inventory of current efforts to destroy the USA. CA’s latest tourist attraction is the “Doom Loop” tour of San Francisco. What has become of 15 busses and the kids who were on them? Kenya’s President at an African Climate Summit calls for a Global Carbon Tax. Biden’s use of fake names could cost him dearly. DeSantis challenge to debate Newsom is causing some anxiety at the White House. Peter McCullough has called out Biden’s roll out of new COVID mandates and a booster “for everyone”. Even Fauci is being called out on CNN (no less) for continuing to push mask mandates. The Marxist head of the American Library Association wants libraries to be “sites of Socialist Organizing”.

By RBN September 7, 2023 16:35
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