Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, September 5, 2023 Hour 1

By RBN September 5, 2023 17:15

5 September. Clapper comes clean. Tucker calls out CNN anchors as intel assets. He also validates Obama’s a crack head and gay and that his “wife” is a man (with breast implants). Russia has put the Satan II on combat duty. A Russian TV host suggest Tucker will be targeted for calling out the US for wanting a “hot war” with Russia. A former Italian PM asserts that France shot down a plane with 81 aboard in an attempt to assassinate Gaddaffi. Phil Giraldi (2022) dissects the Jewish role in pushing for war with Russia. More and more proof of the use of DEWs in Maui. John Kaminski sketches our fate: the blue laser or the poisoned jab? Cases against Trump collapse because there are no laws against protesting the outcome of federal elections. RFK Jr. likes how Trump has played the mugshot and used it to his benefit. Dr. Birx says we don’t need masks. KJP absurdly contends that Biden has “secured the border”. And his “Alcohol Czar” wants to limit us to two (2) beers a week!

By RBN September 5, 2023 17:15
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