Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, October 16, 2023 Hour 1

By RBN October 16, 2023 16:12

16 October Joachim Hagopian has an exceptional overview of the Hamas/Israel conflict published on my blog at In an act of astounding stupidity, the US has given the “Green Light” to Israel to attack any targets anywhere in the Middle East. An allowance that insane can only come from an admin completely under control of Israel. Putin says no one can follow the rules-based order because no one knows what the rules are–but their actions look like colonialism (with dressing). Chinese Foreign Minister says Israel has gone far beyond “self-defense” into collective punishment, which is forbidden by international law. They don’t care because those are man’s laws and they are following God’s! Iran says it will not engage with Israel unless Israel attacks Iran first. “European democracy” bans pro-Palestinian rallies, which is reprehensible. Bibi had IDF and Israeli Air Force stand down for 7 hours to allow Hamas to gain enough territory to use it as an excuse to slaughter Gaza–which I am convinced is taking place because there will be no “New Israel” in Ukraine. Sorry about that! We have actual footage of a CNN director telling a news crew what to say and how to look as “fake news” from Israel. Hezbollah has hit a refinery in Haifa with one or more missiles. An editor for Breitbart, Jole Poliak, says Israel should “wipe out” Gaza and send its refugees to the US–which has become a human garbage dump under the Biden admin.
Caitlin Johnston explains that the electricity has been cut off to Gaza to make it impossible to send messages, photos and videos reporting what is happening there. Scott Rider explains why he no longer stand with Israel– and never will again. North Korea has delivered 1,000 containers of equipment for Russia in its war with Ukraine. Israel continues “localized raids” in Gaza, where some are concerned Gaza will be dry roasted like Lahaina using DEWs. Erdogan lashes out at our Secretary of State for declaring that he approaches these issues as a Jew, not as an American. Hugh Turley suggests an oil embargo might be a peaceful want to end this conflict. 100 Hollywood celebs come out on the wrong side. Floyd Mayweather sending vests to Israel. Major CEOs call not to hire Harvard students who back Palestine. McCarthy predicts Jim Jordan will be the next Speaker. Michael Haden calls for the assassination of a US Senator because he doesn’t like his stance on abortion. Transgender cyclists take gold and sliver at women’s bike competition.

By RBN October 16, 2023 16:12
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  1. Jack Brody October 17, 01:11

    Speaking of creating fake news, this episode of the radio drama Nightfall concerns that very topic:

    “Where Does the News Come From?”

    [24 MB]

    [9 MB]

    An excellent article about the “multiculturalism” that the genocidal Jews have forced on all White countries:

    “Former French Intelligence Chief: All Multicultural Societies Are Doomed”

    “All my accumulated experiences make me foresee a dark, and even very dark, future for our children and grandchildren. At best, they are heading toward an unsuspected collapse of their quality of life (an implosion); at worst, we are leading them to terrible confrontations (an explosion). Most likely, there will be a combination of the two amid growing confusion.”

    And what is the Jews’ solution to the terrible situation they created in France? The genocide of the Aryans in France. The Jew Nicolas Sarkozy: “The goal is to meet the EU challenge of interracial marriage. It’s not a choice. It’s an obligation. If voluntarism does not work for the republic, then the state will move in with more coercive measures.”

    A nation (by definition) cannot consist of more than one race.

    Thomas Jefferson: “[T]he two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government.”

    The U.S. Naturalization Act of 1790 allowed only “free white persons of good moral character” to be naturalized.

    According to Professor Revilo P. Oliver (The Jewish Strategy; chap. IX), the Jews have been working for the genocide of the White race for over a century. “Before this [about 1904], the aliens seem to have been content to exploit the Aryans and, in biological terms, feed on them; the present objective is obviously extermination of our species through mongrelization and massacres….”

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