Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, October 12, 2023 Hour 1

By RBN October 12, 2023 16:00

12 October The Russian analysts confirmed that Hamas had taken more territory in one day than the Ukrainian Army in 4 months of its (ill-fated) counteroffensive. The situation is so odd that (even) Paul Craig Roberts (whom I regard as our nation’s leading public intellectual) finds it baffling that Hamas could have smuggled all those arms into Gaza under the nose of the Mossad and the IDF and then launched an attack without Israeli authorities knowing. On the other hand, there are lots of good reasons to think that it was an orchestrated “false flag” attack, where Hamas was created by Israel and (I now believe) used to manufacture an event that would (seemingly) justify a powerful response by Israel. (Remember, Bibi is a past masters at things of this kind, having devised a plan to draw US forces into the Middle East to take out the modern Arab states that served as a counterbalance to Israel’s domination of the entire region, usually referred to as “9/11”!) Experts have concluded that it was to create a pretext to wipe Gaza “off the map”! The launching of a joint US/Israeli op in Gaza has to be a Zionist’s wet dream, with all the hazards it represents for an expanded conflict spiraling out of control, which I now predict to be the inevitable outcome. Hezbollah and Syria, followed by Iran and (possibly) Russia, are not going to be able to stand by passively as Israelis slaughter Palestinians. Turkey’s Erdogan has already raised the alarm of this outcome–and (most certainly) Turkey will not stand by while such a massacre takes place. Israel is already using bunker busters and (reportedly) white phosphorus weapons in violation of international law, which, of course, they regard as superseded by “God’s law” for the chosen people. Stew Peters conducts a marvelous interview with Keith Woods about the history of propaganda and fake news in relation to wars against the enemies of Israel. Don’t let yourself be played!

By RBN October 12, 2023 16:00
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  1. Randy In TX October 12, 18:48

    Great show again Jim! The Jews are ramping up their disgusting wars. Let’s hope Americans of all kinds and especially females and blacks wake up to what the Jews are doing.

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  2. Jim from California October 12, 22:03

    Important to let everyone know the “beheaded babies” story was just made up atrocity propaganda (assuming the smirk on David Ben Zion’s face was after he told the story to the news media). Trump, although a great man, has fallen for it.

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  3. Blewitt October 12, 23:30

    Let us remember Rachael Corrie. Rachael was a young American idealist who traveled to Israel to protest the Israel policy of demolishing the houses of Palestinians. She defiantly stood before a bulldozer that was about to demolish a Palestinian house. The Israeli bulldozer operator knocked her down with the massive bulldozer blade. Then he deliberately lowered the massive blade and pulled it back across her body, crushing her with it. Rachael’s last words were, “I think my back is broken.” She died moments in later, murdered by an Israeli.

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