Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, April 30, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN April 30, 2024 16:05
By RBN April 30, 2024 16:05
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  1. bob88 April 30, 18:38

    “…why do jews think that they’re not White…”

    Fetzy, is it really your right to tell a jew what the are? Don’t you think they know what they are better then you do?

    The only thing you have a right, is to know what they are not.

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  2. Jack Brody April 30, 22:32

    “…why do jews think that they’re not White…”

    The word ‘White’ is a rather mindless term; the correct word is ‘Aryan’. The Jews are obviously not Aryans. They are a hybrid Semitic race. To call Jews Aryans is to give the ultimate insult to Aryans.

    K. A. Strom:
    “The European race evolved into a mode of life that involved living off the land, as did many other races and peoples. The Jews, on the other hand, evolved into a mode of life that involved living off those who lived off the land.

    Like ticks, they have the genes of parasites.

    “[W]ith the opening of the twentieth century those of the great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood were the exception. In nearly all of them was the strain more or less marked, in some of them so strong that though the name was still an English name … , the physique and character had become wholly Jewish and the members of the family were taken for Jews whenever they travelled in countries where the gentry had not yet suffered … this admixture.” — Hilaire Belloc; The Jews; chapter 10

    Why were they taken for Jews? Because they looked like Jews. Jews have a different look, and they have different genes.

    Because their genes are different, their minds are different and alien.

    ” … we are told [in the Talmud] that when the wicked Romans took Bethar, they wantonly slew 400,000 x 10,000 (= four billion) sweet Sheenies. That figure could have been excogitated only by a kind of insanity that seems innate in the race…. The same passage gives a variant …: the horrid Romans killed only forty million (4000 x 10,000) of Yahweh’s darlings in little Bethar.

    ” … When the Yids concocted [the Holohoax] as a device to paralyse the minds of gullible Aryans with fictitious guilt, they first thought of 40,000,000 as a good figure, but, having some qualms that the credulity of Aryans might not be quite infinite, they reduced, it to 25,000,000, as in the famous ‘confessions’ extorted from Gerstein and then prudently decreased it to 12,000,000, before finally settling on 6,000,000 as the largest figure the boobs would accept without question.

    ” … you cannot understand Jews without pondering an adequate and typical sample of their Babylonian Talmud, which reveals their mentality and racial soul. That is the one indisputably authentic key to the operation of minds and instincts that are so utterly alien to Aryans as to seem incredible until proved by irrefragable evidence….”
    — Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; November 1989)

    “The [Jewish] race itself seems to form a superorganism for which there is no parallel among other mammals, so that the nearest analogy that we can draw is to certain species of insects, ants, termites, and bees, that form hives or ‘hills,’ with a collective life and a collective intelligence, so that the polymorphic individuals with their specialized functions are, in a sense, merely detached organs or cells of a composite body.” — Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; Aug. 1994; “How British Are the British?”)

    “Everyone has noticed that when a Jew or a few Jews associate with goyim, they successfully simulate the manners and culture of the people among whom they have planted themselves; but when Jews become a majority in any place, from a single room to a city, they become a swarm, a buzzing synagogue, an unmistakable alien species.”
    — Revilo P. Oliver

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