The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 18, 2018

By RBN September 18, 2018 21:00

Justice Department, under Rod “the Red Rat” Rodenstein, has been refusing to release to the American people or our patriot representatives. Also, great news as Poland’s patriot President Andrzej Duda has a great meeting with President Trump in the White House. President Trump pointedly reminds their press conference of the soaring commitment to “Western Civilization” that Duda and Trump spoke in Warsaw a year ago, under the towering memorial figures of the fighters of the Polish Uprising against BOTH Hitler and Stalin. It was in this speech, probably written by Trump with the also brilliant Santa Monican Stephen Miller, that President Trump said: “We write symphonies.” Sounded then, and sounds now, like MAGA to me.

By RBN September 18, 2018 21:00

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