The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, October 25, 2020 Hour 2

By RBN October 25, 2020 18:33

“We love you, we love you….”, that’s the chant now at every Trump MAGA rally. It was again today, October 25, 2020 from the HUGE and roaring crowd outside at the airport in Manchester, New Hampshire. Our greatest President, who just a week ago had the supposedly utterly deadly and terrifying “China Plague” is one week later, age 74, charging around our nation doing three, even four, giant event EVERY DAY! Does he speak for 20 or 30 minutes? No! Does he read a teleprompter speech? No. He talks from the heart for more than an hour at every event! His 14-year-old son Barron, like his mom and dad, had the “killer virus”….and didn’t even know it! And that’s the usual experience of folks who catch this particular cold (respiratory infection), whose symptoms are milder than many flu-season colds of recent years. But, near-total control of the mass media, America’s Bolsheviks have come closer than ever to treasonously destroying the last, best hope of our people.

By RBN October 25, 2020 18:33

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