The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, March 9, 2018

By RBN March 9, 2018 21:00

Co-host: Paul Fromm | The March 9, 2018 edition of The Trump Phenomenon looks at Donald Trump’s genius in bringing an END to the “Open House America” as it could be called, or “The Great American Block Party” of open borders to numberless invaders and open borders to unlimited imports. In Donald Trump, we have our first President who even COULD make America great again simply because he’s the only President in any of our lifetimes who actually KNOWS what greatness requires. This week we have the excellent example of President Trump’s knowledge of how things get MADE in the real world. They get made of two things primarily….steel and aluminum. Our leftwing media, traitors like Obama and the Clintons, and morons like the Bushes forgot to let you know as an American that, while they had you sleeping, China (financed by you!) jumped ahead of America to produce 31 million tons of aluminum per year against our considerably less than 1 million tons! They FORGOT to let you know that China is crushing our steel industry, producing 832 million tons of steel to our 81 million tons each year. And it gets worse by the year. Until the arrival of Donald Trump, that is. In 1967 China produced 14 million tons of steel. Now it’s 832 million tons. Armies and navies are made of steel. Air Forces are made of aluminum. Donald Trump, builder of steel and aluminum skyscrapers, has this one figured out.

By RBN March 9, 2018 21:00

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