The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, March 15, 2020 Hour 1

By RBN March 15, 2020 17:39

Today, March 15, 2020, the Ides of March, the Trump Phenomenon audience hopes there is only patriot merriment awaiting us, and little to beware, in the DemonRat Dumpster Fire Debate ‘twixt Sleepy Joe Biden and Crazy Bernie Sanders. On a separate subject, Kelso forecasts that the European (and later American) Wuhan Virus graphs of “total cases” (as shown at the Johns Hopkins Corona virus Dashboard) will very closely match the Chinese graph. And this will be great news for us all, since the Chinese virus graph has been completely flat, with essentially zero new cases, for more than ten days. The fake news media has very deliberately concealed this good news from us. Why? In order to continue whipping us into the hysteria and panic they have been generating for the entire brief course of the Wuhan pandemic. They want to do as much damage to America (and Europe) as they can, through hysteria, before the public finds out that: 1) very few of them will suffer any ill effects from this particular latest influenza; 2) no young people will suffer any ill effects; 3) almost all of the few who suffer anything will average 80 years of age and will already be very ill from other very serious pre-existing conditions, and; 4) we, first in Europe, and then, a few weeks later in America, will see a rapid and sudden cessation of new virus cases. Exactly as has already happened in China. Did you know that the Communist dictatorship of China closed its LAST Wuhan virus hospital this week? Did the fake news let you know that this was because the Chinese have no new patients? Somehow CNN and MSDNC neglected to let you in on this news.

By RBN March 15, 2020 17:39

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