The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, March 13, 2020

By RBN March 13, 2020 20:59

The Trump-hating leftists continue today, March 13, 2020, their war against our patriot President with their “Corona will kill everyone” and “it’s all Donald Trump’s fault” effort to whip up mass hysteria. Facts have always gotten in the way of leftists. Here’s an example. The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus “Dashboard” tells us today that there have been 996 Norwegians, 785 Danes, 155 Finns, 103 Icelanders, 141 Czechs, and just for giggles, 8 Jamaicans who have tested positive for Corona virus. Here’s the quiz question: how many deaths have even been “attributed” to Corona as a cause in these 6 nations? The envelope please…..the answer is….ZERO! So, for you math geniuses out there, what’s the mortality rate derived from zero deaths among 2,188 cases? The moral of the story is (here’s the Jamaica connection): “Don’t worry, be happy.” Don’t worry about being one of the zero people who have died of the flesh-eating body-snatching Corona virus among the 2,188 cases recorded by Johns Hopkins in these 6 nations. Your odds of dying of drinking, opiod overdose, suicide, drunk driving, smoking, knife fights, motocross, or the Daytona 500 are greater. Do you get your panties in a twist about these?

By RBN March 13, 2020 20:59

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