The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, July 9, 2019

By RBN July 9, 2019 22:34

I don’t get as much chance to talk about Donald Trump, the cosmic thinker, as I’d like. But tonight, July 9, 2019, I show evidence that part of the Donald Trump miracle is the fact that he DOES think in very very long terms about the future of our people. Donald Trump is thinking forward thousands of years and VERY scientifically when he works to protect our access to the Moon and Mars and beyond. When he works to protect our access to a liveable homeland for Europeans in a world that WILL see (and maybe quite soon) repeated ICE AGES (not “global warming”) during which not too many millions of us Europeans will be living well in regions buried in one to two MILE-thick solid ice! Where I’m sitting typing this now was under 5,000 feet of solid ice only 20,000 years ago. Florida was a good place to be then. Can we really afford to give away all such territory to invading non-Europeans? Are we thinking 10 yars ahead or 10,000? Trump is thinking 10,000 years ahead. No major national leader before him did this.

By RBN July 9, 2019 22:34

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