The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, July 30, 2018

By RBN July 30, 2018 21:00

Yeehah! On July 30, 2018 patriots get to see and hear OUR patriot president meeting with our Italian cousin patriots’ new prime minister Giuseppe Conte (pronounced Konteh). Like poetry to our ears we hear our people’s champion Trump agree point for point with the Italian people’s champion Conte on how insane and suicidal open borders are to our European peoples. The good news is coming so fast from the patriot presidents who have arisen in America and Europe that an hour isn’t enough time just to read the titles of the exhilirating stories arriving daily. Today, July 30, also has Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaking more poetry and music to our ears; “Working together, political leaders and technology giants filter news items that are uncomfortable for the liberal elite…see the ingenious and cunning means by which they restrict access to negative news reports on migrants, immigrants and related topics…The liberal concept of freedom of opinion has gone so far that liberals see diversity of opinion as important until the point that they realise, to their shock, that there are opinions which are different from theirs.” Has anyone ever said it more eloquently?

By RBN July 30, 2018 21:00

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