The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, January 4, 2019

By RBN January 4, 2019 21:59

The DemonRats and the RINO’s are really blowing it today on January 4, 2019, as the DemonRats line up behind their new Congresswoman “star” from Detroit, a Palestinian named Rashida Tlaib, as she calls the President of OUR people “that mF*er” And the sanctimonious fraud Mitt Romney issues not a chirp to stand up for the President of OUR people. President Trump shuts down both the Tlaibs and the Romneys trying to destroy our nation with real class and style. In a bravura press conference on the White House steps today President Trump gives the howling media hyenas assembled in front of him a real jolt when he lets them know that he has the power and the will to use, if necessary, his Presidential power to declare a national emergency and simply build the wall WITHOUT Congress by virtue of his own power to defend our nation. He also raised the pucker-factor for the media wing of the DemonRat party (since that’s all that the media has been for most of our lives) when he let them know that he would be willing to use the veto power of withholding his signature for a YEAR if necessary to get a wall built.

By RBN January 4, 2019 21:59

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