The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, February 19, 2018

By RBN February 19, 2018 21:00

Co-host: Paul Fromm | Our President’s Day, Feb. 19, 2018, show centers on the AMAZING 8-minute message delivered by former Judge and former elected District Attorney Jeanine Pirro in her latest Saturday cable show. That show is top-rated for Saturday. Judge Pirro LEVELS the corrupt top of the FBI and Justice Department in DEMANDING that the ENTIRE top echelon of the FBI be fired immediately. You will hear words uttered by Judge Pirro that you’ve never heard from a major national figure in your life, even if you’ve lived as long as this 2nd cousin to George Washington, host James Kelso, who’s writing this show description for you now on President’s Day.

By RBN February 19, 2018 21:00

Show Hosts