The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, December 4, 2019

By RBN December 4, 2019 20:59

What a day it has been today, December 4, 2019, as the DemonRat War Against the Man Who Dares to Make America Great Again moves from the Lubyanka basement secret room of Schifty Schiff to the Kangaroo Court of Trump-hating Jerry Nadler. There were golden patriot moments. One was when freshman Congressman Steube of Florida lowered the boom on the snot-nosed overpaid law professors in front of him, informing them that: “as a veteran of Iraq, when I prosecuted terrorist killers in the Baghdad court, we gave more due process to these killers than you Democrats are giving to the President of the United States.” (paraphrase from memory) Nice!

By RBN December 4, 2019 20:59

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